Saturday, 27 February 2016


This blog entry might sound like it, but it is not my purpose to sell myself in a good light today. People who know me know it is true: I love being responsible.

Lately I am thinking a lot about everything that makes me happy or unhappy, but also which characteristics are special about me. This might be due to all the job interviews lining up.
I think one of my strongest characteristics is that I like being in charge. As head of a society I loved having an overview, managing tasks and working together with people. I always want to see the big picture. Currently I am class representative and I realized that age and experience made me confident. I am not afraid to talk to authorities anymore, even if I have to deliver critique- the right tone and an open mind solved almost any problem in (my) history. Even in daily life when I am out with my friends, I am usually the one organizing a trip, getting the group's birthday present, driving the car, knowing where we are and where to go (I love Google Maps!). This is not necessarily a good thing- I am pretty sure that in history I ruined someone else's chance to step up. Since I started my masters I am trying to stay put and trust other people's organisation skills.

Apart from being in charge, I like being responsible in an ecological way. One thing that really bothers me when I live outside Germany is that people do not recycle or separate trash. The building I am currently living in only separates paper. Food, plastic, glass and everything else go into one bin- this is upsetting me every day. In the supermarkets I am trying to buy loose fruits and vegetables and always get a funny look from the cashier when I refuse to take an extra plastic bag.
Once I earn money I will buy as much as possible from local markets or organic shops. At the moment I am mostly shopping in discounters and the more I think about it, the guiltier I feel. I am not a vegetarian, but luckily French discounters sell organic meat, eggs and dairy products.
See original imageGreat step forwards: EU wide organic sign.

I really do not want to lecture anyone because I am far far away from being an ecological role model! There is room for improvement. If anything, I would like to encourage people to find their own ecological balance. I am not asking anyone to buy more expensive, organic food, eat less meat or buy less clothes, but sometimes, waste is really unnecessary. "Think twice" will be the title of an upcoming post, I feel like this one is getting too long.

Recycle on,


Thursday, 11 February 2016

Dancing sunlight.

(Above the clouds: the only reason why I'd become a Pilot)

One of my earliest childhood memories is when we spent our summer holidays in a house at Lake Lugano, Italy. I remember that when I woke up the first thing I would look for was the "dancing sunlight" on the ceiling. When the sky was clear, the morning sunlight would be reflected in the water and a small sunbeam would make it through the old, wooden folding shutters. The reflection would copy the movements of the water and made it look like it was "dancing".
I would then sneak out, often being the first one awake, go to the waterfront and look at the "sun street". I remember that I thought the sun would only shine in my direction and made this sparkling pathway on the water only between us. I could not understand that only I could see the "street" between the sun and me and would not believe my father when he told me he had his own one.

Even tho I spent two years in Dublin and last semester in Edinburgh, my passion for sunlight has not changed. When the sky is clear, I am having the hardest time staying inside. Now that I live in the south of France I am looking for ways to take my work on my balcony to not fail the semester. Who ever invented the non-reflecting laptop screens: you are an absolute genius!!

(Sunrise on a hiking trip in August)

One thing I want to increase in the future is the amount of sun rises I see. Too often I miss the magic moment! When I think about the ones I did not miss it, the emotions linked to the memories are all positive. 

(Travelling in a VW T4- best thing ever.)

If it is sunny today you get a chance, go outside. Let the warmth touch your cheeks and your skin produce some vitamin D.
After all, best things in life come for free!

Shine on and write soon,


Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The magic brew aka liquid motivation

I guess all humans go through phases in their lives. Interests, style and taste change and develop constantly, depending on the society surrounding us, role models we follow or whatever the reasons might be. I personally lived through quite a lot- I spare you the haircoloring-greekjoghurt-nailpolish-faketattoo-jumpsuit details of my life and cut to the topic: There are very view things I've been as faithful to, taste wise, as my morning ritual: waking up to an amazing, soul heeling, "the world is not that bad" cup of coffee. I don't know when exactly is started drinking coffee on a regular basis, probably 12 years ago, but my parents told me that even as a baby I would try to dunk my dummy into their cups (the advantage of being a baby: even nasty things are cute). 
On normal days I have 2 to 3 cups of a dark French roast brewed in my Italian espresso maker (8 Italian espressi= one Johanna cup). I cannot imagine leaving the house in the morning "sober"- making coffee is the very first thing I do  after waking up. 
Conclusion: if you catch me in a bad mood, you know what to do! The smell, warmth and taste of a good cup have never failed so far. 

Dark-roast on and write soon, 


Monday, 1 February 2016

Keep calm and knit

Time to let out the inner nerd: ever since my mom got me my first set of needles two years ago, I love knitting. As soon as it gets cold outside I spend all my money on wool and start a new project. The last five months knitting developed from a hobby to an obsession. 
I've spent September to December in Edinburgh, completing my first semester of my masters. A sh**t load of rainy days made me not leave the house but spend the day with Netflix & knit. So exciting... But hey, I developed some decent skills, all my friends received beanies and scarfs and now that I am on my way of being back in shape I'd say it was worth it! Luckily I can't stay inside when it's sunny so I can control my addiction since I moved to Nice. 
Still, I knit whenever I'm locked inside (right now that would be in a train). Finishing a project is extremely satisfying and a healthier addiction than smoking. I'll provide some pictures of my latest projects, suggestions welcome!

Knit on and talk soon,
