Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The magic brew aka liquid motivation

I guess all humans go through phases in their lives. Interests, style and taste change and develop constantly, depending on the society surrounding us, role models we follow or whatever the reasons might be. I personally lived through quite a lot- I spare you the haircoloring-greekjoghurt-nailpolish-faketattoo-jumpsuit details of my life and cut to the topic: There are very view things I've been as faithful to, taste wise, as my morning ritual: waking up to an amazing, soul heeling, "the world is not that bad" cup of coffee. I don't know when exactly is started drinking coffee on a regular basis, probably 12 years ago, but my parents told me that even as a baby I would try to dunk my dummy into their cups (the advantage of being a baby: even nasty things are cute). 
On normal days I have 2 to 3 cups of a dark French roast brewed in my Italian espresso maker (8 Italian espressi= one Johanna cup). I cannot imagine leaving the house in the morning "sober"- making coffee is the very first thing I do  after waking up. 
Conclusion: if you catch me in a bad mood, you know what to do! The smell, warmth and taste of a good cup have never failed so far. 

Dark-roast on and write soon, 


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