Thursday, 11 February 2016

Dancing sunlight.

(Above the clouds: the only reason why I'd become a Pilot)

One of my earliest childhood memories is when we spent our summer holidays in a house at Lake Lugano, Italy. I remember that when I woke up the first thing I would look for was the "dancing sunlight" on the ceiling. When the sky was clear, the morning sunlight would be reflected in the water and a small sunbeam would make it through the old, wooden folding shutters. The reflection would copy the movements of the water and made it look like it was "dancing".
I would then sneak out, often being the first one awake, go to the waterfront and look at the "sun street". I remember that I thought the sun would only shine in my direction and made this sparkling pathway on the water only between us. I could not understand that only I could see the "street" between the sun and me and would not believe my father when he told me he had his own one.

Even tho I spent two years in Dublin and last semester in Edinburgh, my passion for sunlight has not changed. When the sky is clear, I am having the hardest time staying inside. Now that I live in the south of France I am looking for ways to take my work on my balcony to not fail the semester. Who ever invented the non-reflecting laptop screens: you are an absolute genius!!

(Sunrise on a hiking trip in August)

One thing I want to increase in the future is the amount of sun rises I see. Too often I miss the magic moment! When I think about the ones I did not miss it, the emotions linked to the memories are all positive. 

(Travelling in a VW T4- best thing ever.)

If it is sunny today you get a chance, go outside. Let the warmth touch your cheeks and your skin produce some vitamin D.
After all, best things in life come for free!

Shine on and write soon,


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